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與您吃下去的食物聯繫 - 也與您的健康聯繫 !

人如其食,注意飲食對身體健康尤其重要。眾所周知,均衡飲食使身體正常運作,有助抵抗疾病,讓你時刻感到精力充沛並維持理想體重。蔬果攝取量不足,也會導致營養不均衡; 在均衡飲食中進食足夠蔬果, 能有助預防多種主要疾病及健康問題,例如心臟病、一些癌症、高血壓、糖尿病、中風及肥胖等。


蔬果除了含有豐富的維他命、膳食纖維及礦物質,可促進腸道蠕動和增加飽足感外,各色蔬果所含的營養素、植化素也不同。蔬果的顏色愈多、種類愈多元化,對身體健康愈有益。例如深綠、黃色蔬果則維他命 A、C 及礦物質鐵、鈣,能改善視覺和強化骨骼; 橙紅色蔬果含豐富胡蘿蔔素及花青素,對心臟有益,並可降低罹癌風險。

提到蔬果,大家不免會有農藥的疑慮。多選擇當季盛產的蔬果,可大幅減少農藥及肥料的使用量,同時也能避免冷藏、加工保存的機會。FRESHIE 的蔬菜保證新鮮與安全,並按季節出售盛產的蔬菜,所以您可放心食用,享受新鮮、衛生和美味的蔬菜。

香港人生活繁忙,很多人甚至沒有時間往超級市場或街市購買材料烹飪。我們深知在外用膳為健康帶來的負擔,所以希望透過我們提供的 RESHIE 及送貨服務,解決出外購買材料的不便的同時,能為您挑選最高質、最新鮮的蔬菜,營造健康生活。

食譜 (只提供英文版本) - Inspiring seasonal ideas to make

               the most of your Veggie Box!

There is nothing better than good home cooking made with fresh ingredients!

Here, we have put together our favourite veggie recipes to give you cooking ideas and show you what could be made with our Veggie Boxes!


This easy stir fry comes together in the time it takes normally for your Chinese takeout joint to deliver, but is much healthier.


This recipe brings a much maligned vegetable to the centre of the table. The tender and sweet falvours of the vegetable are paired with savory sauteed shallots and earthy mushrooms!

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This simple pasta recipe stars spring vegetables - escarole and asparagus. Escarole cooks quickly and is perfect for wilting into pasta dishes and soups!


This salad tastes indulgent but is absolutely virtuous.

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This delicious recipe of multi-grain pasta and Brussels sprouts makes a scrumptious side for roasted turkey, roasted beef or baked ham.


It makes a huge bowl which is good enough to serve a crowd!

Super simple to make.


This edible centerpiece will transform the table at your next gathering. It is not only beautiful but delicious too!


You would never guess that within this comforting Tex-Mex casserole hides a layer of thinly sliced eggplant. 


This is an easy squash recipe that you must try! Green chiles add some zing to this colourful side dish that can be served alongside fish, beef or pork.


This easy, delicious and flavourful pesto sauce makes a perfect topping for all kinds of pasta dishes and meats.


Roasted vegetables is one of the best ways to maximize their natural flavours. It is super easy to make!

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This unforgettable dry rub is created for the pork tenderloin in this dinner recipe. Sides of homemade pickled cabbage and garlicky polenta round out the meal.


Making tofu tastier can be as easy as tossing it in a knowckout sauce like this Sichuen-inspired peanut dressing!


Serve this quick vegetable soup as an appetizer, or as a side dish for lunch or dinner.


Use seasonal ingredients to make a satisfying salad for your light meal!


Fresh vegetables add crunch and flavour to plain egg salad. These low-calorie wraps are ideal for a casual lunch gathering or for taking on a picnic.


This simple recipe gets a boost of umami from crispy pancetta. Using frozen vegetables keeps things quick, but substitute fresh peas and pearl onions if you prefer.


This healthy vegetarian take on the Mexican stew pozole gets lots of flavour from poblano peppers, ancho chile power and dried herbs and spices, while cannellini beans provide substanece, protein and fiber.

Broccoli is a superfood powerhouse that is high in fiber. While it's delicious served steamed and raw, it would be great to eat it roasted in the skillet.


Pecans, red onions and parmesan contribute texture and flavour to this easy and quick broccoli salad that makes a great easy side dish for almost any protein.

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We top the puree with broccoli and chicken to make a complete and satisfying meal!


Enjoy the classic BBQ flavour sandwiches with filling vegan seitan/ wheat meat. A side of sweet potato chips makes the perfect pairing for a fast weeknight meal.


Munching raw snap peas may be the purest way to enjoy their natural sweetness, but sauteing the pods and adding a sprinkle of friend shallots and a squirt of lemon juice ups the flavour factor while still keeping things simple.


The perfect immune-boosting and cold-busting vegan smoothie is ready to leave you feeling shiny, new and refreshed!


Use cauliflower rice to turn classic cucumber-avocado sushi into a low-calorie snack! This roll is vegetarian-friendly. Make them as you eat instead of letting them sit.


Enjoy a sweet glaze on beets to help balance their earthy flavour. This simple recipe works with steamed carrots, rutabaga or turnips as well.


This pie recipe is seasoned like a pumpkin pie with much cinnamon and nutmeg and gets nice ginger flavour from the gingersnap crust.


請確保 Veggie Box 抵達後得到妥善儲存與放置,並留意以下貼士 :

1. 烹調或享用前要徹底清洗蔬菜

2. 生和熟的食物要分開存放

3. 定期清理雪櫃 

5. 吃剩的食物要放在雪櫃儲存

6. 頻密清潔雙手

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